Expecting a baby?Know someone who is? I have had this really deep desire to totally pamper an expecting friend with a baby gift basket of everything that I believe to be awesome!! If I could afford it, I would totally do it! Maybe one day...
Anyway... so I thought that rather than rummaging through my pockets and washing machine and all of my unsuspecting friend's pockets and washing machines AND picking up every street penny I see AND... (okay, you get the point)... to buy these awesome things, why not just share my knowledge and love of these favorite things!!
Here are
four top-priority products that I absolutely love and had to share with you!!
Amy Coe Receiving Blankets
These blankets (
bottom left corner of pic) are the best!! I received a lot of different kinds of receiving blankets when I was pregnant, but as I was sorting through my baby stuff, all others went into the giveaway pile, while these stayed in my
KEEP FOREVER pile!! These blankets are made with super soft, vibrantly colored material and rather than the traditional square shape, they are rectangular and extra large. They make swaddling even a large baby, a cinch!!
GAP Jammies
I go crazy every time I see these jammies!! They are so stinkin' cute!! GAP has so many
varieties of these PJ's, it really makes it hard to choose which pair to get!! (
As you can see by my pic, I found yet another pair I HAVE to purchase!!) They are made with a very light 100% cotton material. And are made to fit snug (that's the best part)!! When you see these cuties on your cutie, you will go crazy!!
The way they form to their little body is ADORABLE!! I bought my daughter three pairs of 6-12 months in long sleeve/long bottoms and two pairs 6-12 months in short sleeve/short bottoms and she has been wearing them since she was 4months old!!
pssst... I got them on sale $6 each at the GAP Outlet!!
Sleep Sack
At first when I received
these, I thought they were kind of strange and well, kind of a waste of money?? I actually let them sit in my daughter's dresser for about a month before I even thought to use one!! My daughter was born in the middle of the winter so when I finally came to my senses to pull one out and put it to use, you can imagine what a
life-saver it was!! They are great! I could dress her in more comfortable, lightweight jammies with no socks (they never stayed on her feet anyway), snuggle her in her comfy womfy sleep sack... and sleep peacefully because not only did they keep her warm AND asleep, but I didn't have to worry about her being smothered by her real blanket!
Begin Smart Baby Books

It's funny the things you blow off as not important before you have your first child. I would have never imagined that I'd be a fan of these basic shape and object books before I had my little girl. "What Does Baby See?" by
Begin Smart was
my daughters first favorite toy!! At

only a few weeks old, she would stare at the different red, black and white animals forever!! At 6 months old, she really enjoyed "Baby Faces". That's all it is... baby faces! And she loves it! Another honorable mention is Baby Einstein's sound books. The sound effects coinciding with the story makes for great entertainment!
I Like babies a lot whenever any baby is born in any friends house this is a wonderful gifts to deliver.
Babies gifts items are so cute you just wish to buy it for some baby in family.
Thanks, Ang, I would love a care basket! : )
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