So what HAVE I been doing, you ask??

Remember I mentioned that I wanted to start making baby food with any leftover produce that I had in my fridge?? Well, I followed through with last week's produce leftovers and made carrots, bananas and mangoes. I was SO excited at how easy it was, I decided to incorporate fresh veggies and fruits in my grocery list. (Speaking of groceries... I did AWESOME this week! ...WAY under-budget, but I'll talk more about that in my Saturday Savings Report). I've been

Second, I've been creating my own coupon database. There are some really great databases out there, such as Coupon Mom and the Krazy Coupon Lady, but there's nothing like your own database, right?? With my own DB, I can input any mailer coupons I receive or any local store ads or local business coupons. This will be helpful for any of you Southern California couponers out there... anyone?

One final project I'm in the process of is organizing Baby Girl's clothes! She has a whole lot of clothes that she has outgrown!! :o( I need to finish organizing that... store what I want to keep, and giveaway what I don't want, etc. etc. etc.
That's what I've been up to... how about you?
You may have come across this idea already, but I use to freeze baby food in case ice cube trays when I was making it for my boys. If you purchase a lot of produce at once, you can go ahead and puree what you want and freeze your left overs. All you have to do is thaw them out when you're ready for them. If I am thinking about it right, I believe that one "cube" was equal to one portion of food.
I think it's awesome that your making your own food. It should save some good money for you. Purchasing baby foods can certainly add up! Keep up the good work. :)
Oh girl, you have been soooo busy! I need some of your energy over here in TX! :-)
I made 95% of my baby food - would freeze it too like Kesler Crew said. Saved us sooo much money, especially since I used alot of organic. Making organic baby food was cheaper than buying non-organic. Funny!
Thanks for stopping by A Frugal Friend!
I've made baby food too and it's not that hard! I actually use the gerber plastic containers (that I cleaned and saved from the orignal food) to put the food in and I freeze them in those. I am not worried about BPA since I don't heat the containers, I just let them thaw in the fridge and then put it in the baby's food bowl.
If you want baby food jars, you can buy them on ebay or you can check craigslist of course. I have a ton but obviously would have to ship them to you.
I have yet to make fruit, I have only done veggies - maybe I should try out fruit this weekend!
sounds like you have been busy! just found you on momdot and I'm in love with your blog! so cute!
Hey girl, I froze baby food in ice cube trays like the first comment says. After they froze, I put them in labeled ziplock bags and freed up tray space for the next fruit/veggie that I'd make the next afternoon. A couple weeks later I had a full selection in the fridge In bags. It was great. If we went out, I'd put the cubes in a sealable baby bowl sprinkled with cereal to add thickness and it would stay cold for a good while. 10secs in the microwave did it.
Oh and using frozen veggies was great and much cheaper.
Loving your blog!
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