I don't usually shop at Albertsons but I like to look through the sales ad anyway just to see if their are any great deals that I want to take advantage of. Turns out that this week there IS a deal and it's HOT, HOT, HOT!!

To see other participating products, check out Albertsons weekly ad here. The "Free Groceries" deal is on page 9.
Here are two other Albertsons deals that caught my interest from this week's ad:
Kellogg's Cereal
Qpon in weekly ad for $1.88/box (Limit 3)
Less $1/2 Qpon from August 2 RedPlum insert
**don't forget about the Kellogg's Mail in Rebate Form for a $10 rebate check and a $70 coupon code from Dell for purchasing 10 participating Kellogg's or Keebler items!! Download "Fuel for School" Rebate form here. "$80 in Savings." Bottom right corner.**
Jello-O Gelatin or Pudding Mix
On sale 10/$10
Less $0.50/2 Printable Qpon
Don't have an Albertsons in your neighborhood??
Read comment by Mark... thanks Mark!!
Why oh why did stupid Lucky (yes Lucky not Lucky's - I miss the 's') take over for Albertsons!!! Bring back my Albertsons, please.
Just a note, Albertson's is owned by SuperValu. They also own Farm Fresh which is on the east coast. The coupons/discount are similar for the two chains.
Another note, the Delhaize Group owns Food Lion, Bloom, Bottom Dollar and Hannaford. A lot of these are popular on the east coast as well and these stores may have similar deals and specials.
Mark -- thanks!! That is helpful to those who don't have an Albertsons close by. I checked the Farm Fresh flyer and they DO have the same rebate special!! Although Starbucks coffee isn't a participating item, there are some other great items to take advantage of. Another thing I noticed is that Farm Fresh doubles coupons up to $1 on Wednesdays! Shop this deal on Wednesday with your coupons and get even better savings!!
I love love love your coupon book!
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