Tip #1: Cutting the cable!

Now granted, there ARE some shows that we enjoy watching... and can you believe it??! We haven't missed one episode of anything! Come to find out, you can pretty much watch ANYTHING you want via the internet! Sites such as hulu.com, justin.tv, channelsurfing.net (for you sports fans!) and even YouTube are great sources!! With a few cables and some great speakers, we hook our laptop up to the tv and voila! I challenge you! Cut the cable bill!!

I made a trip to the library yesterday to borrow some books I've been wanting to read. Skip back a few days: I'd been scouring ebay for some good deals on these particular books. I had been telling myself "No more than $5/book!" when a lightbulb went off in my head! "DUH! Check the library!! Hello... free!" Not only did I walk away with some of my "must reads!" but I also walked away with several Baby Einstein DVD's for my daughter to watch! They also had a huge assortment of DVD's that Hubby and I can go back and check out!!

I know, I know... I said this already! But speaking of my local library! I discovered a great Fall Baby Storytime class for Baby Girl and I! I've been looking into getting into some Mommy and Me classes, but they don't offer them for free! And not always cheap either! We will be attending our FREE Storytime tomorrow morning! Excited!!